Thursday, February 9, 2012


I took some pictures today... finally! Here are some of my favorites.
Katie is 2.5 weeks old and time is flying!

On a side note, this is officially the "one thing" I got done today. Having a newborn, some many days are way less productive than usual, and I'm okay with embracing that. 
(And if I really wanted to keep it real, I would tell you I'm still in my PJ's...)

PS. it's a circus act trying to take pictures of two kiddos. But man, are we in love with these girls!

Ignore the smooshed, crying face, haha.


I think I like the "out-takes" as much as the (comparably) good ones...
Spontaneous head banging.
First of many bored-face pictures
Found my slippers and decided she needed to "go shopping"
Teased with the binky one too many times

Life is good! Loving being a mommy of two more and more everyday.


  1. Aww...the girls are adorable! :)

  2. So sweet! i think Katie looks more like Jeff and Emily looks more like you? Is it just me? Not that I'm around yall so much to know!
    Glad you are having fun with those babies! Life with 2 is crazier but just as sweet!

  3. Very cute! Congrats again, Amy, Jeff & Emily! And welcome to baby Katie!
