Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's fall y'all!

We've had a festive "Halloween" week... carved our pumpkin on Wednesday, went to the LSU "Boozar" (Em was great at grabbing candy from the bowls) on Thursday, and attended our ward party/trunk or treat tonight. I sewed Emily's bumblebee costume last week so she was set. Today at the last minute Jeff and I decided to dress up, so after a trip to the dollar store/Walmart we were all set as Crazy Medical Physics Grad Student and his "lovely" Research Subject.

Other good news: The weather has turned a little cooler (i.e. 50's at night...)- so it's finally feeling a little like fall! I may have to pull out a jacket soon! Brrrrr....... ;)

PS the top right picture is Jeff and Emily in the trunk or treat "haunted trail"- it was pretty mild, so she wasn't scared, but I like the look on her face and Jeff's "blood-red" pupils!

BOOOOOOOOOooooOOOoOOooOoOOOOooo to all of you!!!


  1. You sewed her costume, Amy! Wow, how impressive. Glad you guys had such a fun Halloween. You liked great dressed up.

  2. Cute costumes! And fun pumpkin!...shhhhh...don't tell my kids. We seemed to have missed the pumpkin carving this year!
